Thursday, November 15, 2012

Clarksburg Country Run


See my run

Derrick is the man! With his MOvember stache he is on a roll signing up for 50 milers and pacing lil ol' me to a PR. This was unintentional.... I told him "I want to run a smart race..go out with 8:15s and then after a few miles start to pick it up". So naturally I leave the gates and hit a 7:45 for mile 1. I tried to back off but then its like whatever, if a 7:30 feels good let's just stick it out... I knew it was too fast but I didn't care. I felt like my rookie self again running Urban Cow for the first time just 2 years ago (and vomiting immediately after). Our half mark was at 50:00 and at mile 8 I started feeling it... I was struggling to keep it under 8 minute miles and that became my goal for the next 5. Just keep it under 8s and I did! 

Check us out!!!

This run was much more enjoyable than the first time I did it, 2 years ago, when my IT band flared up and I came through the finish at 2:16 with tears in my eyes thinking that I was not fit for running. That was when my ART love affair started with the pros at Elite Spinal and Sports Care 

I told Derrick early on that my overall goal was to keep it under 8s and perhaps that will give me a confident boost for CIM. My initial goal for CIM was 8 minute miles (3:30 finish)... I'm now thinking that I'll go out with the 3:40 pace group and just hang with them and see if I can pull away at some point before the half. 

I have a feeling depending on how this goes and how I feel will determine if I'm going to sign up for Napa and go for BQ there..... 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Rain

Today I'm not feeling myself. I'm in a slump. I think its created by feeling fat, not running quite as much as previous months. I guess its a case of the mean reds (SEE:  Holly Golightly

Sometimes I feel like I'm screaming in my skin. Maybe its excess energy from not running? Or maybe it stems from looking on one side of my closet the other day and realizing that I haven't been to that side of the closet in months and I should just throw all that stuff out. Which then gets me on a train of thought on living simply and how I can go about doing this more efficiently. Actually while I'm on this tangent I'm sure another source of my ill-at-ease is the fact that I've been eating Halloween candy and enough sugar lately to kill a donkey. And I don't even like candy. I also don't like my job. I'm dealing with a dumbass that owes me money and with the help of a friend have been able to eloquently put pressure on him without losing my shit. I'll get my money one way or the other. I just hope that my next blurb here isn't "How to take someone to court". But I admit I think it'd be kind of fun.. hee hee. Its fun when you know you can't not win. 

I'm still on track to PR at CIM. I'm really not sure at this point how well I'll do and if I'll hit the BQ promise land on this go - I guess that's the glory of running. We never know how we are going to do.. that's why we see how hard we can push. I really got used to and started liking the long slow slogging that Tahoe Triple granted - and that I will be granted if I get into WS100 next year. It's just a different mentality than being focused on numbers. I like both. Typically runners will end up choosing one or the other in the long run (that pun was not intended). Road/Speed vs. Trail. I hope I can hang on to the fundamental challenges and enjoy both for a while. 

I should also get back on my bike.