Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Post CIM Thoughts

Good Spirits! 
I have tried not to think too much about CIM this past Sunday. I stuck vigorously to a training plan in hopes to break a 3:30 marathon and what resulted would be hopefully the most unpleasant marathon I'll ever experience. I had a great race up until mile 17 or 18 when things drastically went south in my stomach. I actually puked 3 times on the side of the road. This began at mile 22 and if you're familiar with CIM you'll know that the crowd thickens right at about...mile 22. I may have discouraged many people this past Sunday from every attempting a marathon - a PDA (public dis-service announcement) if you will. 

The cause of this is most likely an electrolyte imbalance. I've seen this happen twice in 50 mile runs (previous shit show) but never a marathon. The weather was probably about 55 degrees at the start and rose from there. I was sweating like crazy and had salt crystals caked around my eyes and I only had water and GU&GU(Roctane) gels for nutrition. Last year, in much colder weather, I still had GU(Roctane) energy drink, as well as the GU gels. Totally my fault for not thinking about taking that with me on this run and I suffered the consequences. 

After the race we had pizza and beer (or bubble water) back at Kevin's place (the place he's graciously allowed for me to call home for several months). Having so many great people over at the house after the race really made me forget about the crappy run I just had. And honestly it didn't really feel like that bad of a day. I remember saying to Kevin in those last couple miles (he joined me in my stagger to the finish from mi. 24) "Today was a good day... other than this part". I think I spotted more people that I knew as spectators this year than previous years. There's got to be a reason I keep coming back after 5 years! 

My 5-time finisher mug picked up Friday previous to the race. Had it not been for this mug sitting at home I may have called it a day! 
Boston 2015 is where I hope to see a redemption run! 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Redemption Run - Silver State 50M

Ran Silver State 50 Miler last Saturday for the 2nd time. The experience was 100% pleasant, although I missed my friend Tan's smiling face and walking with me for 5 hours (for a mere 17 miles). The course was still humbling. It took me 10:41 for the 51 mile course and had me re-thinking what kind of shape I'm in. I thought I would have been closer to 10 hours. I was supposed to run a 44 mile loop in Yosemite last weekend. When it cancelled due to snow filled peaks I decided to give it another go in Reno. This was always a training run for the upcoming 4 day Tahoe Rim Trail in July. I figured I'd take it real easy and just focus on staying fueled and feeling good the whole time. Mission accomplished. I felt like I could have kept going when I finished and knocked out 12 trail miles the following morning ending the week with about 85 miles. 

And I just signed up for a double century in the Eastern Sierras less than 2 weeks away. It's funny because I don't really ride that much. But that's the thing. It wouldn't be an adventure if I knew I was well trained and could do it. I have no idea if I'll finish 200 miles on a bike right now. The most mileage I've done was about 70 last week and it was all on my single speed. Again, the goal will be slow and easy to complete and not injure myself. A nice diversion from running for a weekend and with beautiful scenery. 

Plus I saw this on the menu at a nearby restaurant. Yes, please. 

Cluck Cluck Club of Raymond's Deli

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend & Other Heavy Thoughts On Life

I was just telling a friend yesterday that I was feeling better emotionally since leaving Colorado. Although that is true there is still so much that time hasn't healed yet and sometimes I go to a place where I am full of self-doubt and pain. I try to enjoy the misery as I know how and find a creative or active outlet in the discomfort. That's why I've been running so much and feeling great with it. It's also why I've picked up the knitting needles, the paint brush and write more for a change. 

We're on earth for such a short period of time that its easy to spend the entire time figuring out what it is we're meant to be doing while we are here. I guess the only thing I know for sure is that loving oneself is the best start to living. Once you can forgive yourself and be at peace with decisions you've made in the past can you then be patient and empathetic with others. Love begets love. Loving yourself is the first step, in my opinion, to having a healthy relationship with people and things around you. 

Photos from weekend: 
Reading what I hoped was a love note but was instructions.  Derrick skeptical in the back.
On the beach from Pt. Reyes

Enjoying my run back to the car solo. My friends were more ambitious with their mileage. 

Bike ride to Capitol Tap Room

Keep loving. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ashes to Ash & Funk to Funky

I had a very decent run today up in Auburn. I headed up there after work for 14 miles in the hills. I have the idea to put in an average of 10 miles per day in March. It's probably a stupid idea but as long as I'm feeling strong I'll keep chugging along. 

Color in Sun

I like making them a bit longer Dopey style 
I also finally went and purchased some more yarn! I'm really happy how this hat turned out and though I want it for myself I thought I'd give a shot at selling it from Facebook first. The color reminds me of the Slurpee. And now I'm thirsty. 
JB Approved!
In other news I'm thinking about running Modesto marathon bandit style with Derrick... I think he's shooting for sub 3:35... I don't know if I could do that right now but it might be fun to try. Next up will be Grand Canyon for R2R2R. I'm really looking forward to getting back to that big hole in the ground. 


Friday, February 28, 2014

She's Crafty

Lately I've had a creative nagging. I'm not sure from where it comes... I've had the urge to buy canvas, paint and just go for it. Then I found this cool little dresser at a used store. They had one exactly like it with fresh paint only $10 more but I had an idea. 

Before shot - can't tell from the photo but it was really dirty and beat up.

A trip to Lowe's for some sand paper and I rounded the edges and smoothed it out. I had a friend with some extra paint so I saved some money there. 

Quick top coat of black.
I looked up a few blogs and instructions on how to get a "vintage" look but realized the only way to try this was to do it. I can't read about something I want to learn - I just have to do it. 

Red coat over the black.

Sweet nobs I picked up.

I'm quite pleased with the finish! So is Gracie! I needed the extra clothing space for my room since I'm starting fresh. This dresser is actually the exact match (but miniature) to a dresser I've had since I was a baby. That one is currently in my mom's closet. I'm going to paint it next but with a cream color finish instead. 

Miss Gracie excited for her new dresser
I'm still going to buy canvas and paint. Hopefully an artist friend of mine whose talent I admire a great deal will help me learn how to hold a brush. I might even acquire a little french hat for full artist affect. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I've been trying to make the most of idle time to grow personally. I realized today this is something I should have always been focusing on but its easy to let things distract. I believe focusing on my own personal growth is why I don't mind working part-time in a job that is, well, menial. I was told by the attorney she feared my getting bored soon with this work. It's only been a week and half so its hard to say but there is such a freedom in working and staying busy with things that need to get done and then retiring at noon for a day that is all mine to make use of. The opportunity has been quite rewarding for me. 

My hope is to continue to save and go to Tahoe in May or June. Everything in life is temporary so I have no expectation of when this will actually happen or how long I would be there but Tahoe has consistently been on my mind since the road trip. 

I'm heading out for a (hopefully) wet run. Nice to have the rain back after several weeks of near 80 degree weather. Gracie had to get her hair did - too hot for such a hairy monkey. 

Trees in full spring bloom


I know... she's so cute with long hair. Sigh....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Coffee, Run, Ice Cream

These things have been my Prozac lately. I ended up running 75 miles last week with about 6500 of gain. A 23 mile run in there really kicked my ass since I haven't run more than 14 since CIM. I've been riding my single speed around as well the last couple of days to mix up the workouts. Forgot how much I love that bike. 

Keeping it juvenile with Mr. Tsang
Lately I've realized how comforting a cup of coffee is to me. Although I'm missing the crisp, clean, cool air of Colorado it feels nice sitting outside a coffee shop in 70 degrees with my girls. My running pace slows exponentially with warm weather but I guess its good training.. if I were to train for something. 

"I need a haircut, mom"
I've eaten an unhealthy amount of dessert lately. After I saw the elevation gain in my running last week I stopped feeling guilty about it long enough to have an ice cream sundae at the newly re-opened Farrell's last night. That place is a carnival. Banging on drums for birthdays and people dressed in funny hats and balloons. And really loud circus music. 
Next time it will be the Volcano Brownie
This week is looking to be a high mileage week as well. I'm really enjoying the outdoors and then diving into a book in the evenings. It helps the time go by and keeps the thoughts at a safe distance. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sun is Shining

I drove into Sacramento late last week. I immediately set out on an 8 mile run to cleanse myself from the long drive. I've gotten myself to a bit more of a settled state and found a part time job. I'll be working in an office for a high profile divorce attorney. I suspect the mundane office work will be livened by what happens when people get into shitty situations for long periods of time. 

I would like to say my road trip home was a blast and I saw new places. The truth is I see now in looking back at the photos how great it was. The coast is beautiful which is why I chose it for driving back home. I knew the juxtaposition of where my mind was with the beauty in front of me would help get me through the long days. 

Moab Arches 

Falls about 45 minutes outside of Portland
Hike break with the girls

Astoria Oregon I thank you for the Chocolate Croissant - twice.
I'm definitely in a transitional phase in my life - much like I was before I left for Colorado. I don't see myself staying in Sacramento for long. Gaining confidence in what my next move is while connecting with those I enjoy having in my life is what my days are for now. 

 One of my favorite spots was Bandon. It was sunny when I arrived (photo of coast above) and the next morning I went out for an hour and got absolutely drenched. There are many beautiful spots along the Western Coast. I took the time to drive through Avenue of the Giants as well and came across a tree I could drive through. Everything was eerily desolate being very early in the morning and nothing open. I felt like the girls and I were the only life on the road. It was peaceful. 

Today the sun is starting to peak through and the hours are getting away from me. Need to enjoy the last days before I start working (part of the time) again. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I've found myself inspired by the song, "The Fear" by Lily Allen recently on my runs. I don't normally listen to my ipod when I'm running but brought it out one day when doing what is becoming my favorite hill routine (we'll see how long that lasts). 

Miss Allen had a short lived pop career that was ridiculed mostly for how outspoken she was. That's perhaps why I like her. The song is kind of cliché, sure, but she's making fun of consumerism and it was on the heels of a successful first album. I imagine she was experiencing attention and pressure and this was her way of giving a big fuck you in her direct sort of way. She was quoted as fearing "of the world becoming this horrible sterile place. Being scared that there's never going to be anything real any more that isn't sponsored."

I think about this stuff while I'm running because its when I'm most at peace, mentally. I suppose running is when I feel most real and unaffected. 

Listen to Lily's Fear here 

See hill workout here 

Still enjoying the beautiful scenery even if its "colder than a witches tit" (Grandma McCoy taught me that).
I ramped up mileage this first week of January ending with just over 50 miles total. And being that we're in this beautiful part of the country my Garmin is reporting over 5400 feet of elevation gain (!!!) Keeping this up shouldn't be difficult and I'd expect to see a huge increase in fitness this year. First race of the year will be Antelope Island 50 miler in March!